Tuesday, November 5, 2013

One of those days...

Hey, So this will just be a short entry (hopefully) but today I just had one of those days....  Things seem to be so busy over here....all the time!  I feel as though I have so much to do and not nearly enough time to get it done.  Things are good here but SO busy...I feel as though I don't have a life outside of school and even my training is taking a hit--that's when I get really upset!!!!  I don't have any races coming up, but I want to have a strong base to build off of for the season. I just need to keep reminding my self that all will be okay...and I know it will be, but I just get into these moods where I just feel so overwhelmed...

On a positive note, I am going to London for a business trip on Friday!  I have always wanted to say 'business trip'!!  As you know, I am coaching cross country and we have a meet this Saturday in London. I am so excited to go and experience London for 3 days.  The weather is going to be cold and rainy-but that will remind me of Oregon and maybe Utah.

I think it may be that it is snowing in Utah...and that makes me a little sad :( To be honest, I am surprised that I liked Utah so much and how much I miss it there.  I miss the environment and my friends so much.  But luckily I have made a lot of good friends here too.

This weekend is also the Athens Classic Marathon, but sadly I cannot run it because I will be in London.  However, I am still going to pick up my race packet and go to the marathon expo-which I am really excited for (probably too much so!!!)

Okay, back to school work.  I think that is what bothers me the most is when I have to bring school work home.  I was at school till 6:20 today and I still have more to do at home!  It'll be okay...(I need to be reminded about that :) )  Miss you guys!!!

The cross country team.  Go owlancers!!!
What I made for the Halloween party!
An ipad and a cereal killer :)  This was Halloween night.  There were maybe 20 people out of the 300 I saw that were dressed up 

The Oxi Day Parade. A little different than the Kailua 4th of July Parade. :)

The student's parade in Thessaloniki, Greece.

One of the ruins (and Kevin) in Thessaloniki, Greece.  


  1. Love the pictures. Thanks for sharing Carly. Just remember how uncomfortable you are when you are not busy......

  2. Just be yourself and keep your head up! We're all thinking of and rooting for you Carly!

  3. Hey thanks guys for the positive comments! :)
