So where to begin...I had a GREAT Winter Break with my mom! We wandered (not wondered) around Athens for a day and got to see all the great sites here and then we packed our bags and adventured into Paris! Upon our arrival the city, metro, street, everything was packed with people! So many people! I don't know where they all come from! But she had a good plan and we got to see so many sites and with our Museum Pass we didn't stand in line for too long :) The Louvre had a wait for 2:30 hours, but with our Museum Pass we went straight though into the museum. I would highly suggest getting one of those.
I think my favorite thing about Paris was knowing what we were looking at. I had my own personal audio tour (my mom and her Rick Steve's guide book) :). It was great! I learned so much about the different paintings and French history. I remember some of it, but I'm not ready for a quiz :)
After Paris we were supposed to do an island tour here in Greece, but the travel compony didn't pick us up. Apparently there are two different Tymfristous in Greece...although only one in Halandri. Anyways, I got my money back and it rained the day we were supposed to go, so it probably all turned out for the best.
The next day my mom left and it was so sad :( I think the saddest part was not knowing when I will see her again. It also made me think of all my friends in the States. I feel like I am missing out on their lives being here in Greece. Although I do enjoy it here and I have made some incredible friends, I really do miss my friends in Salt Lake and in Hawaii. I don't regret coming, but I just get sad every now and then about it. Hmm..this usually happens when I am not too busy...since school hasn't started yet and my friends aren't back I have a lot of free time on my hands, which apparently is not a good thing for me :)
So for the new year I haven't made a resolution, but I want to continue to keep in mind what is important to me and to make sure I focus my time and energy into those things. Also to remember that I only have control over my choices and my life and that I can share my opinions but in the end what they do is up to them.
Thanks for reading my post and friends please keep me updated on your lives!!! I don't want to miss out!!!!

Our arrival in Paris!!! We are already for our adventure to begin!!!!!
Got to see April in Paris!!!! So nice :)
Atop the Arch de Triumph in Paris, France. Great view of the city!
This was part of the Parthenon in Athens, now it is in the Louvre in Paris. I liked the Greek history there..too bad it isn't in Greece...
After waiting in lines...
We got a little stir crazy after walking around soo much!!! Versailles, France
I had always wanted to go to the Eiffel tower! We went in the late afternoon so we got to see it during the day time and also during the night time...I would suggest this.
The Seine River and I.

Ready for our Athens adventure to begin!!! Mom is all the hat!!! :)
I think this is Hadrin's Library in Athens. Of course we went to the library :)
We had such a great time together. Carly was a good sport to put up with my Rick Steves obsession!! My first trip to Europe was outstanding.