Thursday, December 12, 2013


Hello friends around the world!

I know I am not doing a very good job of keeping up with my blog, but I always seem to find myself SOOO busy.  Before moving to Greece, I thought life here would be less hectic and more relaxed, but the grass is not greener on the other side.  I am not saying that life is bad, because by no means is it,  it is just SO busy!  Greeks tend to work to live unlike the American live to work, but I guess in my case you can't take the American out of America (not quite sure if that is the saying-but I think you know what I mean).  I was excited about all the free time that I would have, but I am still waiting for that free time!

This is what a normal weekday looks like:

-wake up around 6:30am
-swim or run for ~45 minutes
-be at school around 8:30
-9:00-3:45 at school with the kids
-3:34-5:00ish at school getting work done, planning, name it
-5:30 lift or bike
-7:30 make dinner
-8:00 eat dinner and sometimes do a little more work or relax and watch something online
-9:30 get ready for the next day
-10:00 go to bed...

And do it all again the next day..I mean there is some variation. Like today, I went and got a much needed haircut (I think it had been 6 months since the last cut) so I didn't get home till 7:45 and I still needed to get on my bike-so I am now eating dinner at 9:15...I do have the luxury of making my own choices and only having to take care of just me (more on that later).  I also don't have to work out...really I don't but if you know me and I can't work out, you don't want to be around me.  In college, I got a stress fracture and I was on crutches for three months and I could do NO EXERCISE.  NOTHING.  No swimming, no biking, no moving basically..I just crutched to school... I was not a very friendly person.  I don't know how my boyfriend at the time put up with me...he is a saint...But this is true, I don't need to work out this much...I just want to continue my success as a triathlete.  I have high hopes for myself and I want to be successful.

Also, during the work day I get a lot more breaks than when I taught in the States, but they go by so fast!!  I do like things to be in order, but I don't consider my self a perfectionist by any means, because I am not at all perfect.  I think I am just slow. (the exception with that being athletics, which is an okay place to be faster :))  It takes me a longer time to get things done than the average person.  This is something that I have always known about myself but I try to think it's not true.  But it is.

Anyways I think this is just a fact about myself that I need to become at peace with..but there is no time!

So, as usual December snuck up on us all!  December not only means Christmas but also another birthday.  This year I will be last year as a 20 something..EKK!!!!  As a kid I sure did not picture myself being here in Greece or also still single.  Again, not saying those things are bad, because they are both GREAT, but I never would have dreamed it.  I always thought that I would find my husband during college, but that never happened so I never really had a second plan.  I am thankful for my past relationships and what I have learned from them and the person those experiences have turned me into.  I know that my Prince Charming is out there somewhere, probably on a bike, running, or in the pool swimming (or maybe on the sidelines cheering for me) and he will show up when the time is right.  I am excited for this new year and what it has to offer.  Oh and I can't forget about the yearly Birthday Run!  Yes, friends, the tradition still carries on in Greece!  Hopefully the weather will cooperate, although I did see one snow flake on Wednesday-yes friends 1 snow flake!  Salt Lakers I miss the snow! I know some of you hate it, but it is just so pretty and white and you can ski in it!!!!

Alright, I think the post is just about ready to be over. Thanks for reading!!  I miss all my friends back home so much, but I am also so thankful for my friends that I have made here in Greece.

Live love laugh.

PS. Just two comments about how the small the world is.
#1 One of the parents from my class is from Palmerston North, a smallish town in New Zealand where I studied abroad my junior year!
#2 Another parent in my class lived in Visalia, where my sister lives, for a year in college.  Again Visaila is a smallish city in California that you wouldn't really go to unless you lived there.

It is just incredible how small the world is and also how amazing the people are that you meet along the way.

Downtown Vienna :)  At one of the Christmas Markets :)
In Slovakia.  

Shanna, the school nurse and I.  I may have also danced and pretended I was an owl on this table...maybe....
Outside a running store in Vienna.  I love running and I love seeing others (even if the statue isn't real) 

Sunday, November 24, 2013


Hey guys!  I hope everyone is ready for the holidays!  I know I am!  As you know Thanksgiving isn't a holiday here in Europe, but because I am at an American school we still get a 4 1/2 day weekend!!  So, some of my American friends and I are heading over to Vienna for the holiday!!!  I am looking forward to being in a new country and getting to spend some quality time with my new friends.  While in Athens, I don't really get to see too many of them on a daily basis, so it is nice when we go on vacation because then we can relax and just chill.

At the beginning of the month I was able to go to England with the cross country team and it was a great experience!  Although it rained the day of the meet, the kids were great and just went with it.  They were also excited for a new and different opportunity (since we hadn't had much rain in Greece until now...).  We also got to tour around London and also go to Windsor Castle.  It's like I am living a dream...oh wait I am.  I am living my dream.  :)

The other day as I was waking (I do a lot of that since I don't have a car) I was reflecting upon my life here in Greece and how content I am.  Although I left all of my friends and family in America, I feel as though I have a fantastic group of people in my life here.  I just feel so fortunate and so lucky for the life that I live and I thank all of you for being a part of it.  So far in every stage of life I have had such awesome friends and awesome opportunities that have made me into the person that I am today.  I thank you all for that.  My Punahou friends, my Willamette friends, my Utah friends, and my Hawaii friends, you all have been such an important part of my life and I would not be the person I am today if you weren't a part of my life. So in the season of Thanksgiving, THANK YOU!!!

Arachova, Greece.  This is a quaint town in Greece.  The school organized a trip so my friend Aryn and I hopped on the bus and saw the country side of Greece.
Aryn, Mariren, and Marios in Arachova, Greece

The cross country team in front of Windsor Castle, England.  A fun group of kids!

Me and Windsor Castle :)

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

One of those days...

Hey, So this will just be a short entry (hopefully) but today I just had one of those days....  Things seem to be so busy over here....all the time!  I feel as though I have so much to do and not nearly enough time to get it done.  Things are good here but SO busy...I feel as though I don't have a life outside of school and even my training is taking a hit--that's when I get really upset!!!!  I don't have any races coming up, but I want to have a strong base to build off of for the season. I just need to keep reminding my self that all will be okay...and I know it will be, but I just get into these moods where I just feel so overwhelmed...

On a positive note, I am going to London for a business trip on Friday!  I have always wanted to say 'business trip'!!  As you know, I am coaching cross country and we have a meet this Saturday in London. I am so excited to go and experience London for 3 days.  The weather is going to be cold and rainy-but that will remind me of Oregon and maybe Utah.

I think it may be that it is snowing in Utah...and that makes me a little sad :( To be honest, I am surprised that I liked Utah so much and how much I miss it there.  I miss the environment and my friends so much.  But luckily I have made a lot of good friends here too.

This weekend is also the Athens Classic Marathon, but sadly I cannot run it because I will be in London.  However, I am still going to pick up my race packet and go to the marathon expo-which I am really excited for (probably too much so!!!)

Okay, back to school work.  I think that is what bothers me the most is when I have to bring school work home.  I was at school till 6:20 today and I still have more to do at home!  It'll be okay...(I need to be reminded about that :) )  Miss you guys!!!

The cross country team.  Go owlancers!!!
What I made for the Halloween party!
An ipad and a cereal killer :)  This was Halloween night.  There were maybe 20 people out of the 300 I saw that were dressed up 

The Oxi Day Parade. A little different than the Kailua 4th of July Parade. :)

The student's parade in Thessaloniki, Greece.

One of the ruins (and Kevin) in Thessaloniki, Greece.  

Sunday, October 20, 2013


Hello friends!

First off-I miss you guys and America so much!!!!!!   But at the same time I love my new friends here and I am enjoying living in a different part of the world.  But I still miss my life back in Utah and Hawaii.

Alright, moving the past couple of weeks have been busy with school work.  School over here is not quite as organized as what I am used to, coming from Copper Canyon and my coworkers (who were all VERY organized) and I miss that.  I have settled down to my daily classroom routine and so have my kids.  Which has been a sigh of relief and a stress reducer.  At the beginning it was a little hard because I didn't know what I was doing and I was in a new place that I wasn't comfortable in and the kids could sense that and they didn't know what was going on...and you could see how it could get hard.  But, now it is so much better!!!

I am still planning day-to-day, which is something I usually find my self always doing--maybe sometime soon I will be able to have everything ready by the beginning of the week...maybe one day in the future.  But, yea, so school is settling down. I love my new 4th grade team, but I really really really really really miss my old 3rd grade team. Man, we were great.  I really miss our lunch time talks and conversations.  Lunch time here is so rushed and the teachers don't eat together and I miss that time to talk to adults instead of students.

This next week is going to be a busy one.  Parent-teacher conferences, but each conference is just supposed to last 10 minutes each..I am a little anxious about how it is going to work, but I am sure they will be fine.  We also celebrate Halloween here-well kind of, we are celebrating it on Friday, Oct 25-not the usual day October 31.  The school has a parade and a Halloween Carnival that night too.  Also this week, is the UN festival and also the Oxi Day performance.  It is going to be a BUSY week!!!!  But it will be a three day weekend because of Oxi (No) day.  Oxi Day celebrates when the Italians tried to take over Greece during World War II and the Greek soliders said NO (Oxi)!!  It wasn't quite as simple as that, but the Italians didn't succeed so they had to call for back up, so the Germans came and eventually they were able to beat the Greeks-but having to do this was not in their plan and this set them back 5 weeks, which meant that they were 5 more weeks into the Russian winter than they had planned.  So, who knows what would have happen if the Germans weren't staled by 5 weeks...So October 28 is a Greek Holiday!  Some of the American teachers and I will be going to Thessaloniki, Greece.  I am excited to explore the country!

Then early November, I will be joining the cross country team to a meet in London for the weekend.  This trip falls during the Athens Classic Marathon, which I was signed up to run, but I will be in London, which I think will be amazing!  I am sad that I won't be able to experience the Marathon and it's environment, but I am excited about going to London.  I have ALWAYS wanted to go to London!

Then for Thanksgiving, some of the American teachers and I will be heading over to Vienna to celebrate.  I am also looking forward to that trip and going to all the Christmas Markets.  It'll be a busy couple of months.  And then for Christmas my mom is coming!  I am SOOO excited for her to come and show her my new home.  Although, there is no place like Hawaii, Greece does have some sites to see and I am excited to see them with my mom.  We will also venture out to Germany or another country in Europe, we haven't fully decided yet.

Phew...lots going on.  Oh and I am starting to get into a schedule with my triathlons.  I think my first A race is going to be a half ironman in Spain, the second week of May.  I haven't fully committed to that yet, but my first A race won't be before that.  But I now have joined a gym, I have a pool, I can run, I found a track, I found a couple of bike routes that I can do on my own, the only thing I am missing is an indoor trainer which I hope to be getting soon.  Also, I wanted to find a coach--but I haven't found one yet.  I have met some here in Greece, but none that seemed really interested or excited about coaching me.  Anyways, it'll come.

Okay-I have to go and prepare for the week.  And also decide what I am going to be for Halloween on Friday!!  Thanks guys for reading and I'd love to hear about what's going on in your lives!!!  Also my phone numbers here is 30-698-735-7999, so find me on Whatsapp so we can stay in touch!!!



 Last night we went out to the local Irish Pub-James Joyce.  It was a good time, but my party days are over.  I haven't fully "become Greek"--staying out till 5am...I don't know how the Greeks--and some Americans do it!!!!
A cute picture from Hydra-a Greek island we visited before school started.  Fun times in bathing suits!!!!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

I am still here :)

Hey all,

So it has been a while since my last update.  The reason for that being I don’t have internet at home anymore!  When I first moved in to my apartment, the previous people never canceled their internet so I was using theirs, until one day it shut off L  Sad story, but after one and a half weeks of playing phone tag (they would only call during school hours and I couldn’t call them back) and then talking in English when the other person spoke in Greek (luckily a co-worker came to the rescue) I should have it tomorrow-although I am a little doubtful.  So we will see.

Okay, now to more exciting things!!!  Um, lets see…I did my first triathlon in Greece and it went well. Again, there aren’t many girls that compete here in Greece.  Last weekend I just did a sprint triathlon and there were 120 competitors and only maybe like 20 girls-at the most…so not too many girls at all…however I did beat a lot of the guys so that was good. J  But all went well in the triathlon.  I am still not on a proper training schedule, but I am still training when I can.  I am coaching cross country after school so that has been taking up a lot of my free time. 

Oh, so that brings me to share another new part of my life-being a coach!  I have always wanted to be a coach…a teacher and then a coach after school (like Mr. Link, Mr. Tuttle and Senora but now that I am doing it is exhausting!  During the first week (we are in week 3 now) I had a couple of break downs…but all is well now.  The hardest part was leaving school right at 3:50 (it ends at 3:45) and then going to practice. Those that know me as a teacher know that I am not one to be 100% organized all the time.  I am organized, but it takes me a while and I like to take my time in planning my lessons and figuring out what we will do the next day, but with coaching I don’t have time to do that until 5:30 and by that time I am so exhausted!  However, like I said it is getting way better and I am getting better with my time management skills. J

Anyways, we have our first meet this weekend!  Our schedule is different than what I am used to because we only have 2 meets-and coach was excited about having 2!  So hopefully all goes well and the kids have a good time!  It is fun working with older kids and having conversations and talking to them about running. 

School is going well.  I am getting used to things now and how things run and what I can control and what I can’t control.  I am really enjoying my class!!  Although they are really talkative they are fun kids! 

My friends here in Athens are great!  Just like usual I have my workout friends and then my social friends.  I seem to always find myself with different groups of friends and not much mixing happens-but that’s okay. I am really lucky that I have met the people that I have.  They are making my experience here so much fun! 

So this was a long one!  Thanks guys for reading my blog and keeping up with me in my life journey.  On my ride today I was thinking about how I really am here-teaching abroad.  I have wanted to do this for so long and I actually did it!  That made me excited.  It is fun to see your dreams come true!  I miss you guys so much but please keep in touch and let me know how you are doing!!



Picture from my race last weekend.  

The olympic stadium-view from The Mall (that's what it's called).

The view from my bike ride Mt. Imatos (spelling).  It is about a 15k climb..(I will clock it next time) and it's about an 1:45 round trip ride from my house-if I don't get lost :)
A turtle just hanging out in the middle of the city.  Weird!

Syntagma Square, Athens, Greece

Karla, Aryn, and I at the Internations Social this weekend.  Two of my teacher friends at school!-Sorry it's so dark!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Post 1st day of school and 1st Greece race

So, a lot has taken place in the last week.  I survived my first day of school as well as my first open half marathon!  I'll start with the first day of school.  I am the type of person who is never really ready.  By that I mean being able to sit down and breathe before the chaos.  I always have five minutes to do ten more things before I can take a breathe and find myself bored.   So, of course, on the first day of school I wasn't ready for the kids to come.  But they came and went and all was well!  They are a bit more talkative than I expected but they seem to be a fun bunch of kids.  There are kids from a variety of different backgrounds, Greek, American, Finnish, Australian, Japanese, Korean, Turkish, Norwegian, Pakistani,  and I am sure a couple of other nationalities.  It is pretty cool to be around so many different nationalities!

I am not quite in the rhythm of this school yet, but it will come with time.  When I was in Salt Lake everything was new at first environment and that turned out great!  Now, I get to do it again but where the language is also new.  It will come, I just like routines so I am excited to get into a good one. :)

So, I did my first race here in Greece.  It was a little spur of the moment race that my friend Eddy signed me up for.  He has been such a great help and I can't even imagine what life in Greece would be like if I hadn't met him!!  He was doing the half marathon of Marathon, Greece and so he signed me up too.  Since I got here I haven't really gotten into a workout routine yet either.  I have been running consistently and swimming twice a week in the Mediterranean Sea, so I wouldn't lose all of my fitness but I wasn't doing proper half marathon training, which I do want to do someday to see how fast I could run.

Anyways, the race was pretty cool.  There were around 1,500 people there running, which was really fun to see.  The race course is the same as the first 6 miles in the Athens Classic Marathon and then it turned around and went around the Tomb of the Athenians, where all the soldiers were buried, including the solider that died carrying the news from Marathon to Athens.  My plan for the race was to just see how I feel and run.  However, once the gun goes off, of course the competitive juices start to get the best of me!  I decided that I wanted to run at roughly a 7:00 min/mile pace, which would in turn get me to the finish line around 1:30, which I decided I wanted to be my goal time.  I felt good the first half and really mostly the whole race, except the last 1km, I was totally wishing that the race would end soon.  Other than that little part I felt pretty good and had a good time during the race too.  My final average turned out to be 7:10 min/miles with my final time being 1:35.  So now I have a starting point and with some proper half marathon training I know I can get my time down.

This up coming week I hope to start getting into a routine and figuring out how school works and how workouts work.  I am going to try a spin class later this week, which I hope will work out.  I haven't been on a my bike in about three weeks!  I really need to get some spinning in!  It'll come.  I just need to be patient. :)

I hope all is going well with everyone.  I miss you all soo much!

Sorry Aryn...your eyes were closed on this one.

Eddy and I at the race. 
What I won at the race this morning.  3rd place.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Week number 2

Hello friends!!

I hope you are all well and that school started smoothly for all of you!  I miss Copper Canyon and all the students, teachers, the familiar surroundings, and knowing exactly how things work!  Last week the new teachers started orientation and setting up classrooms here at ACS.  I miss my old classroom :(  It was hard to ship things here so I feel as though my classroom is so bare.  Instead of a huge classroom library that I am used to, I am limited to only a few books...okay enough with the negative attitude...I am excited for the first day of school and also for it to be over so I can know how things run and I can get used to the routines here.  I got my class schedule today and it is nice to have some free time during the day while the kids will be in art, music, PE, library, and computers.

Besides school, things are well.  I just got back from a weekend vacation with some of the other American teachers.  We visited two of the Greek Islands: Poros and Hydra.  It was fun to be on the beach again.  Although they are no Hawaiian beach, it was fun to be in a different part of the world on the beach.  The Greek islands are pretty cool and there are so many!  We didn't do too much exploring but I did get to see lots while I was out on my runs.  It was also nice to be able to relax and read my book and not have too much to worry about.  Also I am getting to know my fellow American colleagues better and they are a pretty cool bunch of kids!

Besides school and traveling, I am still trying to find a routine for my workouts.  I can run no problem and I have found a track that is near by my house, swimming doesn't seem like it will be a problem either.  I have been swimming in the ocean with my triathlon friend and I will also start swimming before school once school starts with some of the American teachers, but biking...I haven't quite got that one figured out yet.  My bike is still in pieces and it is my goal to get that put together this week/weekend.  Also, I will visit a spin class this week and see if that will be a good option during the week.  The roads here are crazy and the drivers are I am a bit hesitant to go outside for a ride...I have seen a few riders...but not too many.  Hopefully I will start my training soon because that is one thing that I am stressing out about. I really don't want to lose my base and all the hard work that I have already done the past couple of years.  I know it is good to take a break from training since I have been training hard since last November, so I am not too worried, but in a couple of weeks I should have a plan!

Alright, I am off to the grocery store to figure out what to eat here.  Back in Salt Lake I just wrapped everything into a tortilla but I can't really do that here, so I am still figuring out what I will be eating. So far a lot of spaghetti when I am cooking.  The food in the restaurants are great!  I really enjoy the Greek Salads and I have learned to like feta.  I think it is a little different than the feta in the states..maybe not such a strong taste.  Anyways I like it.

Miss you all!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

4 days into the adventure!

My bags and I made it here!!  It was a bit of a journey and the adventure had even begun before I left Salt Lake!  Our plane in Salt Lake turned out to have a minor mechanical issue and before we could take off we had to get that taken care of.  Of course you never know how long that will actually take (any moment-right Caitlin?) and in this case it took a little over two hours-which was the exact amount of time my lay over was going to be in Philadelphia...  So I missed the flight from Philly to Athens so they put me on a flight from Philly to Frankfurt and then from Frankfurt to Athens.  It wasn't too bad (it did bring back some memories from the last time I was in the Frankfurt airport...) it just took some extra time, which meant I went a full 24 hours without proper sleep!  But this actually helped with the time change because I was so exhausted when night time came around.

But alas I made it!  It turned out that the person I just randomly sat next to in the Frankfurt airport was also an incoming ACS teacher and the person that I sat next to on the Frankfurt flight was another incoming ACS teacher!  Funny how those things happen!

My experience so far has been great and I am learning a lot!  The grocery stores are a bit different-but of course you get used to it.  Everyone here is really nice; both the American teachers as well as the Greek people.  The Greek's all seem to speak a good amount of English which helps me since I have yet to learn Greek.  However, I do want to learn to speak and understand the language-so this may hinder that process.

So far I have been trying to get adjusted to the culture and the fact that I have no idea what people are saying here.  I have been hanging out with the other American teachers, which has been a lot of fun, but at the same time I do want to learn the language and be able to use it.  Today, I met with a guy who is on the Athen's Triathlon team, which was so awesome.  Last night I went out with some of the other teachers at ACS and it reminded me of back-in-the-day when I used to go out more.  I didn't get home till 2..way past my bed time!!!  Although I do want to experience the culture, I would really really like to stay in good shape and be able to wake up early and get my workouts done.  So I was really pleased to be able to meet up with my triathlon friend and have him tell me about the stuff that they do, which got me so excited about racing over here.  

I have yet to go down and explore Athens-although I did see the Parthenon last night because we went out in downtown Athens-which let me tell you is a little different than the Salt Lake night life!!!  Apparently it was "empty" because a lot of people are still on holiday.  I can't imagine what it will look like when everyone comes back!   I live in a suburb of Athens called Halandri, which is a nice place to live.  I was a little worried at first, but I think it will be just fine.  I have made the walk to school and it is about a mile, which will be a good way to wake up in the morning.  I do want to get a commuter bike to ride to and from school-to make the trip a little quicker :)

I just finished setting up my apartment and I love it!  I added a little local touch to it.  I haven't gotten any picture frames, so that is the only thing that it is lacking.  I also need to figure out if I can get pictures developed over here for cheap...hopefully!

So, I often have been forgetting why it is I came over here...for work!  I met with one of the other fourth grade teachers yesterday and she was so nice and it seems like it will be a good year.  I am a little worried about school, just because I haven't done anything to prepare for it because I don't really know what I need to prepare.  I know that it will be just fine once I get into the swing of things, so I am not TOO worried, just a little :).

I hope you are all doing well!!  Miss you guys and thanks for reading!

So I have attached a link to a video of my apartment. I hope that you can see it okay.  Other pictures are to come..very soon.


Monday, August 19, 2013

Last night in America

So, the time has finally come.  I have my boarding pass printed out, my bags are packed (all 6), my bike, and my wheels are packed...I am ready to go.  I remember back in February when I got this job and thinking about how far off August was.  But, slowly and slowly it starts to creep up.

I have had such a wonderful time in Salt Lake and I am so thankful for all the relationships and friendships that I have made here.  I love my life here.  I love my life in Hawaii.  I hope I will love my life in Athens.  It is scary leaving such good things!!!

I hope that my dream of teaching at an American school is all I hoped and dreamed that it was!!

Until Greece my friends.  I love you all and thanks for helping me out and making me feeling loved!

Me packing up my bags.  I ended up having 8 total-6 bags, 1 wheel box, and 1 bike box.    (This isn't a very good picture)

Saturday, August 10, 2013

11 days to go

So, just as I had suspected, the closer I get to actually leaving the more I don't want to go!  I leave Hawaii on Monday (2 days!) and then I am in Seattle for a day and a half (Yah Ben!) and then Salt Lake for a week.  I don't really know why I like to travel and leave places, because I hate goodbyes!!!  I have ALWAYS hated I am not sure why I put my self through sad goodbyes all the time!  Well, I guess if they weren't sad goodbyes then that would mean I didn't develop meaningful and life lasting I guess that is a good thing-they are just so sad!

Although I am sad to leave Hawaii and all my friends here, I am looking forward to going back to Salt Lake for a little bit.  In June I didn't really get to say goodbye-I just left.  Now, I am looking forward to spending time with all the people that made Salt Lake home for the past five years.  I can't believe it was really that long!

Okay, I am off to enjoy the beach, my friends, and the blue sky (thanks for coming out!!!!)

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

14 days to go.

Hello World!

So I am new to this whole blogging thing but I hope to keep this updated so you all can experience my experiences with me-if you want. :)